Steel yourself for the future

Jun 2, 2016|

Last week we spent a fun-filled three days at Clerkenwell Design Week with Workflow, our water fountain made from Multidrawers.

During the festival we asked visitors to make a wish about the future of the design industry. Over 250 people shared their hopes for the future with us and a common theme was the environment and sustainability. 

Never ones to miss an opportunity here at Bisley, here are five reasons why steel (our product of choice for over 80 years) is a pretty good bet when it comes to taking care of the planet.

  1. Steel is completely recyclable
  2. Steel is the world’s most recycled material
  3. The properties of steel remain unchanged no matter how many times it is recycled.
  4. Steel requires relatively low amounts of energy to produce compared to other materials
  5. It possesses great durability, is lighter and has a longer lifespan than wood


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