Für ein ganzes Leben gemacht

Das Leben mag unberechenbar sein, aber auf Bisley können Sie immer zählen.

Wir sind ein führendes Unternehmen im Bereich Design und Produktion. Seit über achtzig Jahren entwickeln wir still und leise innovative Produkte, die den sich wandelnden Anforderungen unserer Arbeitswelt entsprechen. Und der Arbeitsplatz ist heute mehr denn je reif für eine Neugestaltung.

Unser Erfolg beruht auf beständigen Beziehungen, der neuesten Technologie und den besten Mitarbeitern der Welt. Wir setzen immer wieder neue Maßstäbe in der Herstellung, um Ihnen Möbel anbieten zu können, die Sie ein Leben lang begleiten.

Ein führendes britisches Unternehmen

Heute kombinieren wir diesen Innovationsgeist mit einem kollektiven Wissen, das auf jahrzehntelanger Erfahrung aufbaut. Die Welt verändert sich stetig, aber unsere Leidenschaft für Design und die Sorge um unsere Mitarbeiter bleiben wie ein Fels in der Brandung bestehen. Wir sind stolz auf unser britisches Erbe und unsere Unabhängigkeit. Unser Antrieb, unsere Energie und unsere Fähigkeiten gewährleisten, dass wir alles produzieren können, was Sie brauchen, in der gewünschten Menge, wo immer Sie es brauchen.

Qualität, der Sie vertrauen können

Durch die Förderung der Fähigkeiten und des Fachwissens unserer Belegschaft, schaffen wir begehrenswerte Produkte, die aufgrund ihrer Qualität weltweit als Premiumprodukte gehandelt werden. Da sie präzise konstruiert und für eine lange Lebensdauer ausgelegt sind, leisten Ihnen die Möbel von Bisley über viele Jahre hinweg treue Dienste. Möbel sind unsere große Leidenschaft – sie sind schließlich das Herzstück dessen, was wir tun.

Ob im Büro oder zu Hause: Bisley bietet Ihnen einzigartige, innovative Möbel, die durch Ihr elegantes Aussehen bestechen – für Ihren Erfolg und Ihr persönliches Wohlbefinden.




The origins of Bisley go back to 1931, when Freddy Brown, a panel beater working with luxury cars, starts his one-man business repairing damaged cars in a garage in St John's, Woking, Surrey.




The company moves to Bisley, Surrey. There, it builds a 400 square metre manufacturing facility and undertakes various wartime defence contracts. Bisley designs and manufactures the first containers to be dropped by parachute, which are widely used by airborne forces throughout the war. For this work it receives several commendations from the Ministry of Defence.


At the end of the war, Bisley resumes car repairs, but now has a manufacturing capability for which there’s no demand.

A London wholesaler, Standard Office Supplies, shows Freddy Brown a steel wastepaper bin. He’s told that if he can meet the necessary price and delivery, an order for 24 is his. The rest, as they say, is history.




Designed by Freddy and inspired by letter trays, the MultiDrawer is born. Arguably our best known and most loved product, it has been helping people organise their stationery, papers, coin collections and more, ever since. More than two million of the diminutive cabinets have been sold across the world, cementing its status as a classic –many of the very first models are still in use today.




Freddy Brown's son, Tony, the present Chairman, joins Bisley in 1960. The business has a turnover of £95,000 per annum and employs 28 people.


At the age of 67, Freddy Brown decides to retire and puts the business up for sale. Tony Brown decides to buy the company.




On 10 March, Tony Brown takes proud ownership of the business. Bisley has sales totalling £370,000 per year and employs 45 people.




Bisley launches its first filing cabinet.


To meet expanding demand, Bisley purchases a 17-acre site in Newport, South Wales.




Bisley launches its subsidiary businesses in France and the Netherlands.


Bisley launches the Universal Pedestal.


The Newport site allows Bisley to concentrate on export markets. Bisley is also granted a prestigious Queen's Award for Export Achievement.


Tony is honoured with an OBE for his outstanding contribution to the British Steel Industry.

Bisley launches the LateralFile storage system.

Bisley is granted a second Queen’s Award for Export Achievement, giving it a unique status in the office furniture industry.




Bisley establishes its German subsidiary.


Bisley continues its expansion into overseas markets, establishing a subsidiary in Ireland.




Bisley consolidates all its manufacturing onto a single site, achieved by acquiring an extra 20,000 square metres in Newport. It also expands beyond Europe, establishing a business in Dubai.


Bisley acquires its North American subsidiary. The business now has presence in eight countries across three continents. This is also the year the business launches Be by Bisley, a ground-breaking approach to bespoke, integrated storage.


Bisley is awarded the Manufacturing Guild Mark by the Furniture Makers’ Company. This prestigious award recognises excellence in design, sustainability, and production. It assures all customers that the furniture they are buying is made with care and to the very highest quality.


The Furniture Makers’ Company recognises Bisley’s MultiDrawer with a Design Guild Mark, which acknowledges the highest standards of furniture design in volume production by British designers.


Bisley relocates its flagship London showroom in Clerkenwell, the heart of the design industry in the UK.




Richard Costin is appointed Bisley CEO and with his vision and drive, the company pivots and innovates.


We were chosen to support the NHS by supplying a specific cupboard required in every Covid test centre to store all the positive and inconclusive tests during the pandemic.

Bisley launches its new e-commerce website, further expanding our offering of furniture for the home. Sales from the website rose by over 3,000% over the course of the pandemic.

Following Britain’s withdrawal from the European Union, we supplied storage for centres set up to manage the transition away from the ports of embarkations.


We were proud to win a Design Guild Mark Award with Buddy in 2022. The Design Guild Mark is awarded by The Furniture Makers’ Company, the City of London livery company and charity for the furnishing industry, to drive excellence and to raise the profile of British design and innovation.

We continue to launch a number of product ranges including Pren, Primary Lockers, Fern and Outline.


Death of Mr Brown
On April 4th, Mr Anthony Brown, Bisley Owner and Chairman sadly passed away.

Tony started working at Bisley in 1960, before acquiring the company from his father in 1970. At the time, the business had 45 staff members and annual sales of £370,000. Today, it generates annual revenue of around £70 million and exports its products to more than 75 countries. Having been awarded an OBE in 1993, he also received a lifetime achievement award from the Furniture Makers’ Company in 2016 for his outstanding contribution to the British manufacturing industry.

Design Guildmark for Hideaway
For a second consecutive year, we’ve won two Design Guild Mark awards for our Hideaway desk collection – our fourth and fifth to date.

Manchester showroom
In the summer, we opened our brand-new showroom in Manchester showroom located in the heart of the city’s thriving business district and is an area that is synonymous with architects and designers.

Dubai showroom
In October, we officially launched our Bisley Dubai showroom. Located in the central business district, the new showroom joins others in our portfolio including New York, Paris, and Dusseldorf.

Hotels sector launch
Demonstrating our versatility and capability, we are now able to furnish hotels and the hospitality industry.

Rowan collection launch
Further emphasising our wood and steel capabilities, we launched our Rowan collection, an elegant range of wooden furniture.

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