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Fabrication durable chez Bisley

« Chez Bisley, nous avons l'habitude de dire que nos meubles sont faits pour la vie. Bien qu'il en soit ainsi pour nos produits, nous appliquons également cette philosophie à tous les aspects de nos processus de fabrication et de notre culture d'entreprise.

Nous recherchons des meubles durables, fabriqués à partir de matériaux de la plus haute qualité, au moyen des technologies et des processus les plus récents et les plus innovants, avec un impact minimal sur notre environnement.

Pour à l'avenir, nous sommes heureux d'engager Bisley à améliorer en permanence les normes élevées que nous nous fixons pour nos collègues, nos clients et notre avenir. »

Richard Costin, PDG

Notre vision

Nous voulons faire de Bisley le premier fabricant mondial de solutions de rangement de qualité en bois et en acier, en mettant l'accent sur le partage de notre riche héritage et sur notre feuille de route en matière de développement de produits innovants.

Nous concevons et fabriquons des solutions de rangement en bois et en acier rentables, innovantes, de haute qualité, durables. Nous les vendons dans le monde entier, tout en veillant à ne pas compromettre la capacité des générations futures à mener une vie pleine et utile.

Notre livre vert détaille les moyens mis en œuvre pour atteindre ces objectifs.

Télécharger le Green Book

Nos engagements

Nous continuerons à agir de manière responsable et à faire preuve d'ingéniosité en ce qui concerne notre impact sur l'environnement et la prise en charge de nos employés. Pour prospérer sur le marché mondial d'aujourd'hui, nous investirons dans notre personnel, nos processus, notre production, nos talents et notre leadership, pour le bénéfice à long terme de nos clients et de nos collègues.

Ecological modernisation

During the past year, we have looked to optimise our business practice through ecological modernisation, utilising the ESOS (Energy Savings Offset Scheme), SECR (Streamlined Energy and Carbon Reporting) and by incorporating lean manufacturing practices. As a result, the past year has seen substantial reductions in our emissions:

Pour un impact accru, nous nous concentrerons dans un premier temps sur quatre de ces objectifs:

Ethique et croissance économique


Nous promouvrons une croissance économique soutenue, inclusive et durable pour l'ensemble de notre personnel et de notre activité dans le but de :

  • offrir un travail stable, juste et équitablement rémunéré à tous nos employés.
  • Travailler activement à dissocier la croissance des entreprises de l'augmentation de la consommation des ressources.
  • Promouvoir l'éducation des jeunes par le biais de notre programme d'apprentissage.
  • Assurer l'éradication de l'esclavage moderne, non seulement au sein de nos propres activités, mais aussi dans l'ensemble de notre chaîne d'approvisionnement mondiale.
  • Pour garantir que nos activités et notre progression respectent les objectifs reconnus au niveau international, nous avons créé notre stratégie durable autour des exigences des objectifs de développement durable (ODD) de l'ONU.

Réduction des inégalités

  • Nous promouvrons une croissance économique soutenue, inclusive et durable, le plein emploi productif et un travail décent pour tous :
  • continuer à rémunérer notre personnel au salaire national de subsistance.
  • Promouvoir une culture d'inclusion, indépendamment de l'âge, du sexe, du handicap, de la race, de l'ethnicité, de l'origine, de la religion ou du statut économique.
  • Continuer à promouvoir l'égalité au sein de notre organisation en respectant la législation pertinente, en élaborant des politiques et en soutenant des actions.

What we’ve done



We are not only committed to achieving net zero emissions by 2050 in line with current UK Government legislation and targets set forth by the Paris Agreement, but we are also actively seeking ways to achieve this goal ahead of schedule. Taking accountability is crucial to meeting these aims. We aim to ensure that our targets are quantitative and transparent, aligned with the latest climate science.

Find out more information in our report.



Bisley is backed by electricity generated from renewable sources from UK Renewable Energy Guarantees of Origin (REGOs) or European GoOs, including hydro, wind, solar, biomass and landfill gas.

We have reduced consumption across Scope 1 and 2 emissions by 2,730tCO2e since 2018.

The success of simple changes, such as the “Switch it Off” campaign has been significant; our weekly saving is the same as watching a 50” LED tv for 8 years.

Find out more information in our report.



We use the FSC certification system as it enables us to purchase wood that supports responsible forestry. The timber used in our products is sourced from UK and European suppliers.

We also utilise local suppliers whenever we can, with the vast majority of steel being supplied by local manufacturers.

We ensure our supply chain is also taking accountability, by monitoring the actions they are taking and the progress they are making on their own journey towards net zero.

Find out more information in our report.



All process waste at our manufacturing site, including steel and wood offcuts, is captured and segregated for appropriate disposal and recycling, with 100% of general and wood waste being recycled or diverted to landfill. We aim to become zero to landfill by 2030.

We are also proud to announce that we have developed initiatives with the British Heart Foundation and Clearabee, which will provide all our customers with the opportunity to give unwanted products a second life, contributing to making a positive difference to the environment.

Find out more information in our report.



We want to empower our staff. We actively try to create a supportive and accessible environment where individuals can learn and develop, becoming the leaders of tomorrow. We have applied TWI (Training Within Industry) methodologies and over 30% of our employees with professional development training, resulting in qualifications ranging from NVQs to degrees.

We recognise the importance of health and well-being of everyone in our workplace. We are committed to ensuring that we provide an environment where people feel comfortable to express themselves.

Find out more information in our report.



We have a rich history of supporting the local region, having been involved in several initiatives to invest in the community. We realise the importance of giving back and making a positive difference to both current and future generations.

We have provided over £105,000 worth of charitable donations including humanitarian aid to causes both locally and overseas. Our contribution has been recognised by a number of organisations and published in literature for the Salvation Army, Newport U3A, Bullies Out, and the Newport Dragons rugby team.

Find out more information in our report.

We are focusing on bringing support to the areas that need it most, and that is why have decided to work with Treeapp. This includes looking to alleviate desertification, species extinction, soil erosion, landslides and flooding as well as social injustices. In doing so, we can maximise the potential of these areas, increasing biodiversity, reforestation, carbon sinks and creating a valuable source of income and food for local communities.

We are constantly striving to develop a more circular business, and a big component of this has been the issue of what to do with our products at the end of their lives. As a result, we are proud to say we’ve developed an initiative with Clearabee, which provides all our customers the opportunity to give unwanted products a second life, contributing to making a positive difference to the environment.


An affordable furniture collection and recycling service that can be booked at a time to suit you. This service will accept old furniture items in any condition, which will be recycled or burned for energy, reducing landfill waste. Furniture that can be reused will be donated to local charities or refurbished.

Contact us

Or alternatively contact us: +44 (0)1633 637 383

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